Friday, March 11, 2011

Men Wrestling In Thongs

What does the skin of us


The skin condition has always been crucial in the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine.

From the condition of the skin can include not only the energy state of internal organs, but also the mood of the person connected. In fact, the skin connects us with the outside world: it protects, regulates body temperature and contains receptors that to distinguish the various sensations.
According to TCM, the skin is connected to the triple heater, the immune system and hormonal system.
body through the skin to be cleansed of toxins, and cover a symptom suffocating with steroid creams or symptomatic can be very dangerous because the toxins that must be downloaded coming back can affect vital organs, nerves and tissues, giving rise to various diseases.
would be more useful to try to interpret the disorder: in fact any small irregularities of the skin indicates the type of imbalances in place and its location may provide useful information.
's face, for example, provides an excellent key to the diagnosis in TCM. examine some of the most common signs, those who can easily find on our face, and we see tell us what they want according to TCM:
Dark circles black: kidney discharges
wrinkles above the lip: problems genitalia
Pimples on the chin: toxins and hormonal imbalances
Dark spots forehead to right: liver disease
discolored skin on the left of the face: stomach upset
vertical wrinkles on the forehead, voltage stress to the liver
Rughetta horizontal at the root of the nose: gallbladder disease
deep vertical creases from the nose to the mouth, spleen problems, pancreas
Swelling of the eyelids: weakness at the heart
tip of the nose swells with capillaries too much cholesterol
lower lip wrinkles: large intestine problems
Dark skin: inadequate oxygenation
Double chin: the lymphatic system and hormone disorders, weak immune system.
are just some examples of the more common ones, because the MTC has a precise and accurate diagnostic method. Of course these simple guidelines can not replace a medical diagnosis, but it is true that represent a key to reading interesting. We should all learn to pay more attention and be able to read the signs of the body. absurd thing I think that the school is given so little importance to the reading of the body in all its aspects. How can you pretend to understand what is outside us before they know what we have inside?


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